Our first team is in collaboration with BC Kimbria.Amkreutz, Maud - Dutch - (not in the picture)
Dijk, Jill van - Dutch - #12
Elshout, Marielle - Dutch - #4
Gaal, Edina - Hungarian - #5
Georgen, Jessy - Luxemburgish - #8
Gulikers, Michelle - Dutch - #10
Heuts, Kimberley - Dutch - #9
Joosten, Charlotte - German - #11
Kammann, Catharina - German - (not in the picture)
Oth, Tammy - Luxemburgish - #6
Penders, Aimee - Dutch - #1
Schoot, Joelle van der - Dutch - #7
Coach: Klacar, Almir
Here you can follow our competition: